Friday, April 24, 2009

Guys Like Girls with Skills

So why is it that the mom always has to take care of the creepy crawlies in the house?  Scott and Ethan waited for me to get home last night, so I could catch the centipede crawling on the wall.  I think they watched it for an hour.  Scott is afraid of a moth.  I just hope Ethan doesn't learn from his example.

A little more challenging was catching the scorpion in a water bottle for the scouts on our hike.  I guess I'm getting used to the desert and all the wild life critters that come along with it.  Though I do prefer my hummingbirds and quails.


So my friend came to the house for lunch and we discovered something 
in my front door wreath.....

The softest little nest with an egg!  The mama bird flies in and out every time someone comes to the door.  We hope to see a little baby bird soon!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunsets, Friends & Broken Windshields

Just a fast run down of what we've been up to lately.  

Ethan had Landon (his best buddy) over to play after early release on Wednesday...."It's just you and me dude!"  Popcorn, books, camping in the back yard.  Fun stuff.  

Driving to Mesa last week we were shocked when a large rock/boulder hit the windsheild like a gunshot!  It came over the edge from oncoming traffic.  Luckily Scott still has his face, but we're out $250 bucks!

Hiking the mountain is my new found exercise/ retreat.  I actually really enjoy it....can you believe it?  I still don't enjoy getting up at the "butt-crack of dawn", but once I'm there it's great.  The sunrise is beautiful and peaceful.  Hiking with the scouts last week produced this lovely sunset from the mountain.  


Welcome to our first blogger post.  I'm sad that I will no longer be using my .mac account (too expensive).  But this blogger looks like fun to try out.  I've been trying to decide between blogger and wordpress, so I'm going to give them both a test run.  

Easter was nice and quiet.  We had some friends over for the traditional ham and potatoes dinner.  Scott did most of the cooking and I picked out desserts from Costco!  Ethan enjoyed a little egg hunt with his camouflage eggs that he insisted on hiding himself.  The Easter Bunny left some treats and an Articles of Faith card that Ethan was thrilled about.  

My boys looked very handsome in their new Easter ties.  Happy Spring!